Dietary Updates
Hello from Montrose Health Center’s kitchen, where we are getting ready to celebrate St Patrick’s Day this month with our residents! We will be serving a hearty meal of Corned beef and cabbage, roasted garlic potatoes, steamed carrots and for dessert we will have minty chocolate silk pie. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Have you ever wondered where the term corned beef comes from? Well, Corned beef is a cut of meat similar to brisket that has been salt-cured. The term “corned” comes from the usage of large, grained rock salt, called “corns” used in the salting process. Today, people use salt brines more often, but the outcome is always a delicious main dish that many enjoy on St Patrick’s Day around the world!
Happy March Everyone! Spring is just around the corner!
Diane Sugars
Dietary Supervisor