Each month we feature select National Health Observances (NHOs) that support our mission to improve health across the nation. This month we are raising awareness of Alzheimer’s disease.

Adapting activities for people with Alzheimer's.

Get tips to involve people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in daily activities and outings, including gardening, going out to eat, and traveling.

Plan activities that the person with Alzheimer's enjoys in your daily routine, and try to do them at a similar time each day. He or she can be a part of the activity or just watch. Here are things you can do to help the person enjoy the activity:

  • Match the activity with what the person with Alzheimer's can do.
  • Choose activities that can be fun for everyone.
  • Help the person get started.
  • Decide if he or she can do the activity alone or needs help.

Spending time with family and friends is important to people with Alzheimer's disease. They may not always remember who people are, but they often enjoy the company.
