Fresh air and summer breezes are uplifting to the spirit.  Our activities in July sparkle with the great outdoors and a pocketful of sunshine!  Studies show senior citizens who spend time outdoors have less depression and anxiety than those who do not. We believe that, too!

Our lovely front porch features colorful flowers and a Monarch Watch Waystation. Montrose Health Center’s “Montrose Monarch Oasis” (#28147) has been on Monarch Watch Waystation Registry since May 2020.  During the time Central Lee had four classroom pods in town, our waystation provided milkweed seeds for the students’ learning experience. Our flowers bring in hummingbirds and bees as well as the monarchs for our viewing pleasure and for the good of our community.

 Every event done on our porch has the aura of health and vitality. The colorful butterflies combine with bird songs and the touch of summer breezes on faces and the smell of freshly mown grass to delight everyone’s summer senses while basking in some quiet moments.

In July on our porch, we will read books together, celebrate Happy Hour, sample a tasty Fruit Fest, visit our families, make a little music and dine on picnic foods and root beer floats.  All of these make life grand for our residents as we celebrate the summer together!